With Us
With Us
Our mission is to keep, grow, and attract new jobs, investment and talent into the Boise Metro region.
Choose Your Level
BVEP is a stakeholder-funded organization that is driven by collaborative partnerships between businesses, educational institutes and communities. As the regional economic development group, our focus is on new business recruitment & large scale expansions throughout the Treasure Valley. Our mission is to broaden the industry base and create jobs for those who live here.
Stakeholder ($5,000)
Be a part of shaping the future of the Boise Metro region. Our stakeholders are valuable partners who are invested in seeing positive economic growth. The average investment of companies in our stakeholder list is $5,000 annually. If you are interested in being a part of the conversation related to economic growth and that is outside of your ability, we would love to talk with you about the options of getting involved.
Quarterly Newsletters & Updates
BVEP news, project updates and regional news that you don’t want to miss.
Quarterly Events & Annual Holiday Reception
We hold a private- stakeholders only, events every quarter and an end of the year holiday reception.
Social Media & Website Highlights
Our social media highlights offer a fun look into something new or innovative your company is doing or building for the region.
Business Intelligence
Regional economic, industry, occupation and education data with one simple request.
Private Presentations
Our team can come in for a scheduled presentation with your team, clients or visitors who may be looking for more info on the Boise Metro and the business climate.
Board ($12,000+)
Those that want to have a higher impact in the organization with specific initiatives have the opportunity to join at a director level.
All the Benefits of Being a Stakeholder
Monthly Meetings w/ Exclusive Project Updates
Project update from the BVEP team on all project activity & shareable information.
Customized Marketing Materials
Access to BVEP marketing materials with ability to customize to your company branding.
Board of Directors Seat
Designate one member of your team to sit on our Board of Directors.
Site Visit Participation
Join us in hosting clients who are looking to expand or relocate to the Treasure Valley.
Treasure Circle ($20,000+)
Contact swhite@bvep.org for more info.
Current Stakeholders
Blue buttons represent Board Level Stakeholders, Yellow buttons are Stakeholders.
Local Services
Public Sector
Real Estate
Current Board Members
Executive Board
Board of Directors
Interested in joining forces?
Let's break down barriers and forge new connections. Contact us to join a vibrant network of partners and collaborators.